
[IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 2023] Jaehoon Heo’s paper on Processing-in-DRAM Emulation Framework is accepted

Congratulations! We have a paper accepted to IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2023 “PRIMO: A Full-Stack Processing-in-DRAM Emulation Framework for Machine Learning Workloads” Jaehoon Heo, Yongwon Shin, Sangjin Choi, Sungwoong Yune, Jung-Hoon Kim, Hyojin Sung, Youngjin Kwon, and Joo-Young Kim

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[ESSCIRC 2023] Je Yang’s paper on Joint-DNN Training Processor is accepted

Congratulations! We have a paper accepted to IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), 2023 ” JNPU: A 1.04TFLOPS Joint-DNN Training Processor with Speculative Cyclic Quantization and Triple Heterogeneity on Microarchitecture / Precision / Dataflow ” Je Yang, Sukbin Lim, Sukjin Lee, Jae-Young Kim and Joo-Young Kim

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[VLSI 2023] Junghoon Kim and Jaehoon Heo’s paper on Super-Pipelined Processing-In-Memory Accelerator is accepted

Congratulations! We have a paper accepted to the International Conference on Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI), 2023. “SP-PIM: A 22.41TFLOPS/W, 8.81Epochs/Sec Super-Pipelined Processing-In-Memory Accelerator with Local Error Prediction for On-Device Learning” *Jung-Hoon Kim, *Jaehoon Heo, Wontak Han, Jaeuk Kim and Joo-Young Kim (*equal contribution)

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Professor Joo-Young Kim has been promoted to Associate Professor and has become a distinguished lecturer for the Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS).

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Professor Joo-Young Kim has recently been promoted to Associate Professor and has become a distinguished lecturer for the Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS).link: We are so proud to have such a talented and dedicated professor leading our lab, and we couldn’t be happier to share this exciting news with […]

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