CastLab is looking for passionate students/researchers/engineers on the area of hardware architecture & design, compilers, and accelerated computer systems! Please see the following founding principles to see if you fit in our culture & goals! Castlab2020
Masters/PhD Course
CastLab is accepting applications aligned with KAIST’s admission schedule. Please send your resume and transcript to Prof. Kim a bit ahead of the school’s schedule. For the school’s admission, see https://admission.kaist.ac.kr/.
Post-doctoral Researcher
CastLab is recruiting post-doctoral researchers! If you recently got your Ph.D. and want to continue to research on the following subjects, please send your CV to Prof. Kim.
- VLSI design, Domain-specific processors, AI accelerators, FPGA systems.
- Computer architecture and simulation, Hardware/software co-design, Design automation
- Collaboration with international research centers (MSR, MSR Asia, U of Washington, SRA)
Undergraduate Internship
CastLab is open for undergraduate research (URP, individual research) and summer/winter internship. If interested, please send your resume and transcript to Prof. Kim.
#4209, School of Electrical Engineering (E3-2), KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, South Korea
Contact Information
Email: jooyoung1203@kaist.ac.kr