[Hotchips 2022] 3 papers from Ji-Hoon Kim, Seongmin Hong, and Sungyeob Yoo are accepted


We have 3 papers accepted to Symposium on High Performance Chips (HotChips), 2022.

“Trinity: End-to-End In-Database Near-Data Machine Learning Acceleration Platform for Advanced Data Analytics”

  • Ji-Hoon Kim, Seunghee Han, Kwanghyun Park, Soo-Young Ji, and Joo-Young Kim

“DFX: A Low-latency Multi-FPGA Appliance for Accelerating Transformer-based Text Generation”

  • Seongmin Hong, Seungjae Moon, Junsoo Kim, Sungjae Lee, Minsub Kim, Dongsoo Lee, and Joo-Young Kim

” LightTrader: World’s first AI-enabled High-Frequency Trading Solution with 16 TFLOPS / 64 TOPS Deep Learning Inference Accelerators”

  • Hyunsung Kim, Sungyeob Yoo, Jaewan Bae, Kyeongryeol Bong, Yoonho Boo, Karim Charfi, Hyo-Eun Kim, Hyun Suk Kim, Jinseok Kim, Byungjae Lee, Jaehwan Lee, Myeongbo Shim, Sungho Shin, Jeong Seok Woo, Joo-Young Kim, Sunghyun Park, and Jinwook Oh; Rebellions Inc.